ALIM Web Help

Submitting Documents for Review

The first process is to create one or more documents in ALIM Web and attach files as required. This is standard ALIM Web functionality, and is described in the Creating Documents.
Note: Specific permissions must be configured on document and workflow templates as well as the persons that will be using the Comments Tracking feature. For more information, see Comment Permission Requirements section of the AssetWise CONNECT Edition Implementation Guide.

Typically at this point, the AssetWise ALIM for Transportation user that will be creating Comments Tracking workflows requires some sort of notification that the documents to be reviewed have been added to the system. This can be accomplished using any of the following methods:

  • Send an email from within the ALIM Web user interface, for a document after it has been created. For more information, see Sending Emails.
  • Implement a server-based event handler to automatically add submitted documents to a folder.
  • Implement a server-based event handler to email an organization when a document of a certain class or set of classes is created.

Contact Bentley Support for assistance with creating event handlers and other automated server-based options.